Macbeth: when literature is transformed into advertising
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Shakespeare Advertising

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Jiménez Marín, G. (2022). Macbeth: when literature is transformed into advertising. COMMUNICATION. International Journal of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Cultural Studies, 1(5), 275–286.
  • Abstract 121
  • PDF (Español (España)) 40


Literature has influenced in numerous occasions in the world of advertising. In this way, the writings of authors like Cervantes, Garcia Lorca or, more recently, Cortazar, have helped to sell products of all nature: vehicles, tobacco, jeans or telephone mobiles. In the same way, it is necessary to indicate that Shakespeare has not been back. The dream of one night of summer, Romeo and Julieta, Hamlet… have gived their texts, scenes or personages with an eminently commercial aim. And, in this sense, the Macbeth work, history on the treason and the ambition, have given name of mark to some products, have helped to form the advertising of others and it has even served like argument to create new products, as the case of Macbeth radio.
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Copyright (c) 2007 Gloria Jiménez Marín


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