Electronic frontiers and new transnational dynamics on the Internet
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tecnologías de la comunicación
comunidades virtuales Transnationalisms
communication technology
virtual community

How to Cite

Gómez Aguilar, A. (2022). Electronic frontiers and new transnational dynamics on the Internet. COMMUNICATION. International Journal of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Cultural Studies, 1(3), 39–49. https://doi.org/10.12795/comunicacion.2005.v01.i03.02
  • Abstract 77
  • PDF (Español (España)) 91


The representation of belonging to any territorial unit has always been organised around inclusive logics wich usually started from local places and spread ad concentric and discontinous circles up to regional, national and international places. The space and time changes generated by new communication ways wich are allowed by communication technology have generated new dynamics of unterritorial transnationalisms where are not restricted to a territory, but are widely extended and spread in a net, are growning up.

These communication nets take the global net of computers as the technosymbolic base for the appearance of something called the transnational imagined –virtual community. The so– called cyberspace and cyberculture are the typical universes where the dynamics of transnationalisms are able to express themselves widely.

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