The essence of cinematographic silence. Bergman’s The Silence as an example
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silencio audiovisual
análisis fílmico
banda sonora audiovisual silence
film analysis

How to Cite

Torras i Segura, D. . (2022). The essence of cinematographic silence. Bergman’s The Silence as an example. COMMUNICATION. International Journal of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Cultural Studies, 1(12), 82–93.
  • Abstract 397
  • PDF (Español (España)) 199


Silence is an audiovisual expressive matter, which is always significant. The essence of silence is contrast, which is needed to perceive it; ambiguity, because silence cannot make reference to one particular object or concept; and communicative context-dependence. Audiovisual silence –silence located in an audiovisual product– has three more features: constant meaning, because it is the will of the filmmaker; multiple interaction, because it is modulated by all audiovisual elements; and, finally, present anchored, because of the impossibility of relating to other film time than the ‘here and now’.
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