Brands, advertising and neomedia
Comunicación. Volumen 20, número 1 (2022)
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análisis de contenido
innovación marketing
content analysis

How to Cite

León Sáez de Ybarra, J. L. (2022). Brands, advertising and neomedia: Prospects for action in times of pandemic. COMMUNICATION. International Journal of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Cultural Studies, 20(1), 5–24.
Received 2021-05-14
Accepted 2022-05-03
Published 2022-11-11
  • Abstract 205
  • PDF (Español (España)) 141


The collapse of paradigms due to the pandemic, also in marketing behavior, requires an in-depth adaptive response from brands. But getting into adaptation proposals requires an exploration in accordance with the philosophy of knowledge for action, always required in all marketing-ad- vertising research. New paradigms must emphasize an urgent response given the situation. This requires building a new content extraction strategy, applied to the triangle formed by brands, advertising and new media.

A new methodological strategy is proposed to overcome the logical insufficiency of the existing documentary corpus, capable of integrating information in highly diverse formats (for example, expert testimonies and professional surveys), from a careful selection of publications, creating an exploratory metacorpus but of high objective qualification.

With the proposed strategy, we believe we have managed to verify the state of play and at the same time offer guidance for brands and their advertising, as they forced by market trends and new media, already existing before the pandemic, but now accelerated. Branding and advertising philosophies are highlighted for a relaunch and for the improve of automated measurement of results, given the end of the cookies.
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