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No. 60

Deinón and tékhne in Martin Heidegger’s Introduction to metaphysics considerations about art

January 4, 2019


The present investigation develops the lines in which is presented the relationship between technics and art on Heidegger’s writings of 1935-1938, emphasizing in his text Introduction to metaphysics, widening then the research to other Kehre texts that shows their relation with language, Ereignis and the Gestell. It will be fundamental for our purposes the notion of Deinón that Heidegger takes from Sophocles and that applies to the polemic relation that appears in technics and the essence of arts, which will also be the ground for his thoughts about Machenschaft and the actual donation of Being as Gestell.


  1. Benjamin, W., "La obra de arte en la época de su reproductibilidad técnica" en Discursos interrumpidos I, trad. de Aguirre, J., Taurus, s.d.
  2. Heidegger, M., Introducción a la metafísica, trad. Ackermann Pilári, A., Barcelona, Ed. Gedisa, 1987
  3. Heidegger, M., El ser y el tiempo, trad. de José Gaos, Buenos Aires, FCE, 2014
  4. Heidegger, M., "El origen de la obra de arte" en Caminos del bosque, trad. de Cortés, H. y Leyte, A., Madrid, Alianza, 1996
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  7. Heidegger, M., “…Poéticamente habita el hombre” y “La pregunta por la técnica” en Conferencias y artículos, trad. de Barjau, E., Ediciones del Serbal, Barcelona, 1994
  8. Heidegger, M., Aportes a la filosofía: acerca del evento, trad. de Picotti, D., Buenos Aires, Biblos, 2011
  9. Heidegger, M., Tiempo y Ser, trad. de Garrido, Molinuevo y Duque, Madrid, Tecnos, 2011
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  11. Picotti, D., Heidegger: una introducción, Buenos Aires, Quadrata, 2010
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