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No. 58

Edmund Husserl: the objects as units of sense

May 24, 2018


The aim of this work is to elucidate the different angles and consequences of the notion of object in Husserl´s phenomenology. Basically, this work tries to account for the recognition of the dimension of sense that is involved in that notion, and how it seeks to distance itself from such classic visions as realism and idealism. To accomplish this aim, the following matters are analyzed: 1) the mode of givenness (Gegebenheitsweise) of the object to perception and knowledge, 2) the way in which the concepts of identity and transcendence are understood, 3) the way in which the relationship between object and property is understood.


  1. Edmund Husserl, Ideas, FCE, México DF, 1949, Libro Primero, §55.
  2. Edmund Husserl, Ding und Raum, Meiner, Hamburg, 1991, §84.
  3. Edmund Husserl, Investigaciones lógicas, Revista de Occidente, Madrid, 1967, Tomo II, Inv. V, §14.
  4. Walter Hopp, “Husserl on Sensation, Perception and Interpretation” en Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 2008, Vol. 8, Nro. 2.
  5. Ludwig Landgrebe, El camino de la fenomenología, Sudamericana, Buenos Aires, 1968, pág. 67.
  6. Kevin Mulligan, “Perception” en Cambridge Companion to Husserl, 1995, pág. 204.
  7. Roberto Walton, “Fenomenología y Realidad” en Escritos de Filosofía, Buenos Aires, 1985, Nro. 15-16, pág. 204.
  8. David Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature, Dover, New York, 2003, Book I, Part I, Section VI.
  9. Roberto Walton, Introducción al pensar fenomenológico, Biblos, Buenos Aires, 2013, pág. 86.
  10. Alejandro Vigo, Juicio, experiencia, verdad, EUNSA, Navarra, 2013, capítulo IV.


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