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No. 58

Spherological Sport Hermeneutics: On the Impact of Sloterdijk’s Work in the Philosophy of Sport

December 21, 2017


Lately, there has been a shift toward hermeneutics in the philosophy of sport. In other places, we have argued that sport hermeneutics can help us go beyond the dominant internalist paradigm in the philosophy of sport. Sport philosophers Ron Welters and Kenneth Aggerholm have drawn on Peter Sloterdijk’s work, especially on his book You must change your life to explore the limits of the internalist paradigm. In this paper, we present and analyze Welters’ and Aggerholm’s interpretation of Sloterdijk work, which we take to be too narrow. Then, we provide a broader interpretation of Sloterdijk’s philosophy. In doing so, we lay the ground for the hermeneutic study of sport.


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