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No. 69

Il faut défendre la societé. Legal Epistemology and Skepticism: Law and Violence in Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries

January 4, 2024


From the Cours du Collège de France (1975 / 1976) by Michel Foucault, entitled Il faut defender la societé (the 1st edition in English was entitled: Genealogía del racismo: de la guerra de razas al racismo de Estado, without any justification or editorial or institutional basis) an analysis of power is made (force and law) in the vacuum or structural violence that exists until the consolidation of the legal—political theory or doctrine of sovereignty of the contractualists, especially Thomas Hobbes. Three examples are given: two samples, the German peasants' war of 1525 and the civil war in England that ended in 1650. All this, third element, is examined on the basis of the concept of justice of a sceptic, Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592), and his religious and civil reflections that plagued France throughout the 16th century.


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  17. Warr, John: The corruption and deficiency of the lawes of England (Londres, 11 june 1649).
  18. Williams, Georges H.: La reforma radical [orig. inglés 1962]. Traducción de Antonio Alatorre. México: F.C.E., 1983.


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