This text makes an articulation between the last period of Lacan's work and the book Logic of Sense, articulating concepts such as meaning, becoming, enjoyment, letter, object a and being pure of subject, to later propose a response to what the seminar 23 Lacan questions us in relation to the nature of the sinthome. The text has been divided into two macro parts. In the first, the nature of meaning in the work of Deleuze and Lacan will be analyzed, realizing that meaning is a Borromean knot that allows us to understand how what is done in the odd, the ambiguity, the castration of the Other in the face of the impossibility of Giving the signifiers for the injection into the body of a phallic enjoyment, prints a form of Moebius strip, which symmetrically knots two opposites. The misunderstanding is approached like a twist in the mirror, which, when made, becomes a univocal feature. This dynamic will be understood under the subversive dialectic of the subject in the graph of desire, which unfolds to show its one-dimensional nature like a Moebius strip and folds to give a false depth, a fold, which in the form of a two-dimensional knot that by not tying , knots. Finally, an own proposal is made that conceives the sinthome as an identification of the permanent nature of impermanence, which is that circularity, between inhibition, symptom and anxiety, but also its opposite, fetish, ghost and enjoyment. One-dimensional vibration, which when moving, dimensions, always in symmetrical opposites, always existing as a knot.