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Aspects of the Aesthetic Theory of Theodor W. Adorno (Thémata 66)

No. 68

J. F. Lyotard: An unlikely adornian.

  • Gerard Vilar Roca
September 11, 2023


The article presents the influence of Th. W. Adorno's aesthetic theory on contemporary philosophy or, more specifically, on the work of the post-structuralist J. F. Lyotard. It focuses on a novel interpretation of four concepts that are fundamental to both authors: critique, adherence to a radical ethics, the choice of the pantheon of artists preferred by each, and the defense of both, against systematic and total aesthetics, of a micrological one.


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  9. Hoehn, Gerhard y Gérard Raulet. “L’École de Fancfort en France. Bibliographie Critique“, Esprit,17 (5) (1978): 135-147.
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  14. Lyotard, Jean François. 1973. Des dispositifs pulsionnels, Paris: éditions Gallileé, 1994.
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  17. Lyotard, Jean François. Lo inhumano. Charlas sobre el tiempo, Buenos Aires: Manantial, 1998.
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