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Concept and praxis: skepticism and art

No. 68

From Nietzsche to Trías: romantic and philosophical parallelisms, essential affectivity and skeptical vitalism

February 28, 2023


Reading Nietzsche, we could affirm how dionysian intoxication makes it possible for humans to direct themselves affectively towards the external world, paradoxically even erasing that limit that would determine where their being begins and where that to which their being is pushed. Trías collects this in a vital concept in his philosophy, naming us as “limit beings”. For both philosophers, we are radical creative passion; we are a borderline and chaotic animal, sufferer for lover, and potentially happy for the same reason. It is in our hands to investigate, after recognizing this aesthetic, sensitive and insurmountable condition of humankind, how to live.


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  2. Izquierdo, Agustín. Friedrich Nietzsche. Estética y teoría de las artes. Madrid: Tecnos/Alianza, 2007.
  3. Nietzsche, Friedrich. Así hablaba Zaratustra. Barcelona: Plutón, 2012.
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  8. Trías, Eugenio. La dispersión. Barcelona: Destinolibro, 1991.
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