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Concept and praxis: skepticism and art

No. 68

Hegel and the death of philosophy: skepticism as the salvation of reflection

November 10, 2022


Hegel treats skepticism with a surprising degree of seriousness. In the system of Hegelian logic, the empire of doubt extends to every type of philosophy, dominates and twists it to exhaustion, and surrenders it without remission.

According to our knowledge, the philosophy of the spirit is revealed in three phases: the subjective spirit (anthropology, phenomenology, psychology), the objective spirit (formal law, morality, and ethics), and the absolute spirit (art, revealed religion, and philosophy). What is surprising, however, is the importance that skepticism occupies in the Hegelian definition of philosophy. In his view, skepticism (negative moment) is outside philosophy (positive moment), it attacks it to the point of its surrender or total disappearance.

The purpose of this article is to explore the place of skepticism in Hegelian philosophy.


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