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No. 67

The bestial humanism against the beasts: A theoretical-philosophical approach to the problem of animals

October 8, 2022


The article examines some of the essential features of the Western humanist paradigm that have outlined binary and speciesist relationships in the contemporary world and that have denied the animal in search of the “properly human”. The work makes a brief tour of some of the hypotheses that have addressed, from different positions, the problem of animals: Berger, Descarte, Sloterdijk, Agamben, Derrida and Bailly are some of those mentioned. In this sense, the article then explores certain theoretical topics: the Cartesian animal-machine, civilizations as anthropogenic greenhouses, the anthropocentric machine and the richness of the animal world, among others.


  1. - Agamben, Giorgio (2006): Lo abierto. El hombre y el animal. Adriana Hidalgo Editora S.A. Buenos Aires.
  2. - Bailly, Jean-Christophe (2014): El animal como pensamiento. Ediciones metales pesados. Santiago de Chile.
  3. - Berger, John (2003): ¿Por qué miramos a los animales? Editorial Gustavo Gili, SA. Barcelona.
  4. - Derrida, Jacques (2008): El animal que luego estoy si(gui)endo. Editorial Trotta. Madrid.
  5. - Descartes, René (2010): Discurso del Método. FGS. Madrid.
  6. - Foucault, Michel (1968): Las palabras y las cosas. Siglo XXI Editores. Buenos Aires.
  7. - Offray de La Mettrie, Julien (1961): El hombre-máquina. Editorial Universitaria. Buenos Aires.
  8. - Segato, Rita Laura (2015): La crítica de la colonialidad en ocho ensayos y una antropología por demanda. Prometeo Libros. Buenos Aires.
  9. - Sloterdijk, Peter (2015): Normas para el parque humano. Mentidora Ediciones. Valparaíso.


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