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No. 66

On the influence and affinities between Schmitt and Laclau

May 29, 2022


This article deals with Carl Schmitt’s antagonistic concept of the political and the political theory of Ernesto Laclau. First, it offers a critique of the literature on the supposed reception of Schmitt's thought in Laclau, in relation to his notions of antagonism, representation, unanimity, and identification. Second, it reconstructs and compares the arguments of the two authors about the enemy, the reference to the people as a political subject and the existential character of the political. Without claiming to elaborate an exhaustive analysis that would exceed the space available here, we point out that throughout his career Laclau ignored Schmitt (with the exception of an article dealing with the war) and that, although Schmitt was not an intellectual influence in Laclau, there are some similarities in their theoretical models.


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