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Concept and praxis: skepticism and art

No. 68

Aesthetic epoché or the Skepticism concerning a ball

April 30, 2022


The purpose of the present paper is to locate dynamics of philosophical Skepticism within the aesthetic approach to art objects. To this extent, Skepticism will be contrasted with A. C. Danto’s theory of art in order to identify major points of conflict regarding the suspension of judgment (epoché). Taking this as a starting point, the paper states the skeptic’s ability to promote a neutral epistemology and thus persist within the potential, understood as the simulacrum that links the actual and the virtual. This issue revisits Martin Seel’s concept of “appearing”, illustrated by the example of a ball. Once revised this case, the paper addresses a new concept: “aesthetic appearing”. Ultimately, the paper suggests the formulation of “Postmodern Skeptic” based on Bartleby’s literary character, which constitutes an effective model of ataraxia due to his tendency to decline.


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