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No. 66

Richard Rorty: Returning to Rorty vs. Rorty: the impossibility of getting out of the Platonic matrix.

January 8, 2022


By means of the resource that Rorty uses to argue that Heidegger has not left the Plato Kant canon, we are going to show that Rorty himself cannot get out of the platonic approach. For this purpose, our article is divided into two main parts. Firstly, we will systematize the inversion of Heidegger that Rorty left merely written down in "Overcoming the Tradition: Heidegger and Dewey", tracing the ontological and epistemological assumptions on which the pragmatist based himself to carry out his peculiar reading of Heidegger. Later, we will demonstrate through that the technique of inversion and recontextualization that Rorty uses with Heidegger can turn against him and not allow him to leave the Platonic matrix.


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