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No. 62

The civil religion in Baruch Spinoza's theory

April 22, 2020


The following work seeks to bring to light what is the notion of religion that underpins Spinoza's work, in order to find its role within society and in relation to the State. For this, the Treatise on Theology and Politics is analyzed in detail, from the historical analysis of the Bible to its interpretation of the relationship between State and religion, and other texts are used as support, mainly Ethics.


  1. Cicerón, Marco Tulio., Libro I, en Sobre la naturaleza de los dioses, trad. Ángel Escobar, Madrid, España, Editorial Gredos, 1999, pp. 63-161
  2. Deleuze, Gilles, “Evolución de Spinoza”, en Spinoza: filosofía práctica, trad. Antonio Escohotado, Buenos Aires, Tusquets Editores, 2004, pp. 135-147
  3. Durkheim, Émile., Las formas elementales de la vida religiosa, trad. Iris Josefina Ludmer, Argentina, editorial Schapire, 1968.
  4. Ferraris, M., “La hermenéutica bíblica en el Tractatus Theologico-Politicus de Spinoza”, en Historia de la hermenéutica, Madrid, España, Taurus, 2001, pp. 45-47
  5. Frankel, Steven: “The intended audience of Spinoza´s Tractatus Theologico-politicus” en The Review of Metaphysics, vol. 52, nº 4, 1999, pp. 827-924
  6. Hobbes, T., Leviatán., trad. Carlos Mellizo, Madrid, España. RBA Coleccionables, S.A.U., 2012
  7. Santos Campos, A.: “Spinoza and the paradox of political freedom” en Revista Conatus, 8, 2014, pp. 11-24
  8. Spinoza, B., Ética., trad. Oscar Cohan, Barcelona, España, RBA Coleccionables, S.A.U., 2018
  9. Spinoza, B., Tratado teológico-político., trad. Atilano Domínguez, Madrid, España, Alianza editorial S.A., 1986


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