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No. 60

Abstract maps: The possible logical multiverses in «Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius» by Jorge Luis Borges

October 15, 2019


This article proposes a lecture of the story «Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius» by Jorge Luis Borges analyzing, from a rhetorical-argumentative perspective, the question of the logical multiverse. Considering this, the approach is grounded on the possible worlds’ theory by Gottfried Leibniz and modal realism; together with multiverse astronomical postulates. The reading of this story in particular as an exemplification of the presented theoretical axis is pertinent, inasmuch as its argument raises the possible human fictionality. Therefore, it is considered that this work presents the problem of self-referentiality in the world (or universe) when different logical reality layers are created.


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