Fundamental criminal procedural rights and guarantees: reading in technological key
Judicial proceedings, Fundamental rights, Procedural guarantees, Artificial intelligenceAbstract
Carrying out an initial assessment of the accommodation of disruptive technology with fundamental rights and constitutional guarantees implies analyzing the impact of the possible use of cutting-edge technological elements (artificial intelligence) in auxiliary tasks of jurisdictional work. The binomial judicial process and artificial intelligence is a reality that must be reconciled from three essential premises: legal normality, jurisdictionality and respect for fundamental rights. Without a doubt, the fact that the application of artificial intelligence is supported, as one of its main principles, by the need for human control (human in commad), guarantees that the jurisdictional body is the guarantor of the legality and constitutionality of the use of security solutions artificial intelligence in auxiliary functions in the procedural activity without affecting the defendant’s fundamental rights such as the presumption of innocence, the right of defense or the right to effective judicial protection, which, in turn, must be interpreted and adapted to reality current technology.
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