Transhumanism and disability: the case of Neil Harbisson




Transhumanism, Disability, Neil Harbisson, Achromatopsia, Eyeborg, Human enhancement technology, Technological ethics, Social responsibility, Technological innovation, Quality of life improvement, Ethical and social implications


Transhumanism is an emerging philosophical movement gaining prominence with its advocacy for the enhancement of the human condition through technology. This article examines the interplay between transhumanism and disability, with a focus on the notable case of Neil Harbisson, an artist and cyborg born with achromatopsia who has implanted a device enabling him to hear colors. It delves into the fundamental ethical and philosophical issues related to setting boundaries for the responsible and equitable use of technology to surpass human limitations and reflects on how technological advancements can improve the quality of life for individuals with disabilities, emphasizing the necessity of ethical and social responsibility in technological development.


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Author Biography

Alessandra Esther Castagnedi Ramirez, University of Seville

PhD Candidate - Faculty of Law


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How to Cite

Castagnedi Ramirez, A. E. (2024). Transhumanism and disability: the case of Neil Harbisson. IUS ET SCIENTIA, 10(1), 145–168.
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