Criminological study on insecurity in rural areas based on the use of ict tools




Rural Environment, Insecurity, GIS, Crime and Police


The perception of insecurity and fear of crime has been extensively analyzed in the national and international criminological literature. Unfortunately, the studies carried out have mainly focused on cities and their neighbourhoods. This research aims to understand the insecurity and fear that exists in rural areas of our country. To this end, we have carried out a victimization study in the town of Cilleros, a municipality in the northwest of the province of Cáceres in the Autonomous Community of Extremadura with a population of 1,617 inhabitants. A geostatistical methodology was used for this study, the results of which mainly show that people feel safe, but also show a significant number of crimes that have occurred in accordance with the size of the population or the need for a greater police presence in this municipality.


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How to Cite

Ortiz García, J., & Rodrigues Antúnez, R. (2023). Criminological study on insecurity in rural areas based on the use of ict tools. IUS ET SCIENTIA, 9(2), 42–63.
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