Review: VALLESPÍN PÉREZ, D., Inteligencia Artificial y Proceso: eficiencia vs garantías. Juruá, Oporto, 2023, 279 páginas. IBSN: 978-989- 712-909-4




In the middle of the last century, Ulrich Beck warned us in his "risk society" that we live in a global, inter-connected and hyper-connected "village", a society, in short, characterised by global threats - such as the one arising from the health crisis we have experienced over the last three years. Indeed, we live in a world of increasing complexity, mobility and uncertainty in which globalisation is presented to us as an irreversible process, which has had both positive and negative effects on the lives of hundreds of millions of human beings. The development of technology and technology, the internationalisation of capital, the revolution in the means of communication (which have given rise to the information society) and the improvement of means of transport (which have shortened, and sometimes practically eliminated, distances) have made the contemporary world an increasingly global and interdependent social reality, but no less conflictive and no more secure.


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How to Cite

Orozco Torres, L. E. (2023). Review: VALLESPÍN PÉREZ, D., Inteligencia Artificial y Proceso: eficiencia vs garantías. Juruá, Oporto, 2023, 279 páginas. IBSN: 978-989- 712-909-4. IUS ET SCIENTIA, 9(1), 178–180.
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