Is the regulatory development of the athlete’s biological passport necessary in spanish law? Between the punishment of sisyphus and the fable of the two frogs




Athlete Biological Passport, Expertise, Means of testing, Doping, Regulatory development, World Anti-Doping Code


Much controversy has always accompanied the application of the Biological Passport and with it, the misgivings of athletes, representatives of sports institutions and, of course, of operators and legal actors. The controversy that spread in the beginning from the very reliability of this tool to even its constitutional fit and its possible contradiction with fundamental rights of the athlete have been appeased over time, with the generalization of its use around the world and especially in countries that allocate more resources to public policies for the promotion, protection and development of sporting activity. In our country, however, there are still sometimes critical voices that are wary of the use of this means of proof, and in recent times and in relation to the new anti-doping legislation that will have to adapt our legal system to international standards, the need to legalize the procedures and protocols for the elaboration of the Athlete’s Biological Passport has been questioned. This article aims to unravel the true nature and essence of this means of proof and the difficulties and contradictions that its eventual regulatory development would have to face.


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How to Cite

González González, A. (2022). Is the regulatory development of the athlete’s biological passport necessary in spanish law? Between the punishment of sisyphus and the fable of the two frogs. IUS ET SCIENTIA, 8(1), 90–108.
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