Human rights, ethics and algorithmic transparency


  • Evelyn Téllez Carvajal Center for Research and Innovation in Information and Communication Technologies (INFOTEC)



Algorithmic Ethics, Reliable Artifical Intelligence, Human Rights, Principles of Reliable Artificial Intelligence


Nowadays, the use of algorithms that solve or predict problems in the digital environment make use of information from individuals who, with their personal data, nourish the data bases that are the input for the data mining analysis. However, it is necessary to reconsider whether the personal information is properly collected and protected.

What does an algorithm designer know about the protection of personal data and its proper handling? Are there any limits in algorithms trading? What are the principles that must rule the Artificial Intelligence? This contribution seeks to understand what is ethics and algorithmic transparency as well as the importance of understanding the handling of information that concerns individuals when it is related to Artificial Intelligence.



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Author Biography

Evelyn Téllez Carvajal, Center for Research and Innovation in Information and Communication Technologies (INFOTEC)

Researcher Professor attached to the Academic Nucleus of the Master’s Degree in Information and Communication Technologies Law at INFOTEC. Public Research Center of the National Center for Science and Technology, in Mexico.


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How to Cite

Téllez Carvajal, E. (2021). Human rights, ethics and algorithmic transparency. IUS ET SCIENTIA, 7(1), 370–386.
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