Big data and artificial intelligence: an approach to the ethical and legal challenges of its implementation in Tax Administrations
Artificial intelligence, Big data, Tax administration, Tax payers, Personal data protectionAbstract
The generalization of the use of technologies based on artificial intelligence systems by the public administration, another recipient of the potentialities offered and the challenges arising by these technologies when applied to the public service, raises the need to reflect on the risks involved in the interaction between artificial intelligence and citizens’ rights. Mainly, as regard to the automation of the administration, the processing of personal data, and the profiling of citizens in sensitive sectors of the public administration such as public finances.
The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the ethical and legal challenges arising from the use of disruptive technologies associated with artificial intelligence by public administration in general, and tax administration in particular, especially where it is intended for the prosecution of tax fraud; “accidental” damages which may be caused to the rights and guarantees of the taxpayer, in particular those relating to the processing of personal data, and the biases and discriminations that can be caused by the use of algorithms trained in big data systems; and the necessary transparency and accountability associated with automated decision-making by the tax administration.
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