The conjectural function of law reinforced by algorithms in the era of big data


  • Matías Mascitti Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires



Through this paper we aims to illustrate the increase in the power of the predictive function of Law that will be generated by the use of intelligent integral legal search engines (IILSE). They will allow a more effective strategic conjectural analysis by virtue of the sociological, psychological, normative and axiological information that they will provide to the legal operator for their decision making. To this end, we use an interdisciplinary analysis perspective of Law, highlighting the advancement of artificial intelligence systems in a transparency society where data is a valuable asset. The IILSE integrated with an efficient natural language and with algorithms created to obtain the aforementioned interdisciplinary information will be a valuable aid instrument for: greater linguistic precision, normative interpretation, weighting of legal principles, prediction of judicial sentences, democratization of Law and a significant decrease in the differences in the practical effects in force between the traditions of Civil Law and Common Law.


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Author Biography

Matías Mascitti, Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires

Profesor Doctorado intensivo Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires (UBA)

Profesor Maestría Fisolofía de Derecho UBA

Profesor Doctorado Universidad Nacional de Rosario



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How to Cite

Mascitti, M. (2020). The conjectural function of law reinforced by algorithms in the era of big data. IUS ET SCIENTIA, 6(2), 162–185.
  • Abstract 427
  • pdf (Español (España)) 244