Conventional mechanism for the protection of regional languages or languages of minorities


  • Iliana Faritovna Valiullina Ural State Law University



Regional languages, Languages of minorities, Conventional mechanism, Law-making, Interpretation, International control and law enforcement.


Today the problem of protecting regional or minority languages is an urgent one. Despite the existence of numerous international acts at the universal and regional levels aimed at protecting these languages, the language rights of national, linguistic, religious minorities and speakers of regional languages are violated. This scientific article is devoted to a comprehensive study of the conventional mechanism for the protection of regional or minority languages. The article examines the characteristic features of the conventional mechanism for the protection of regional or minority languages: law-making, interpretation, international control and law enforcement. The article begins with the disclosure of the content of the concepts of regional or minority languages. some approaches to this definition are considered. I proceed to the structure of the conventional mechanism for the protection of regional or minority languages and consider each component separately. The article provides a comparison of interpretation and specification. The article focuses on the views and works of Russian lawyers and researchers in the field of theory of state and law. The article is of an interdisciplinary nature, written at the intersection of law and sociolinguistics. This article will be of interest to specialists in the field of linguistics.


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Author Biography

Iliana Faritovna Valiullina, Ural State Law University

3rd year Ph.D student of International and European Law Department


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How to Cite

Valiullina, I. F. (2020). Conventional mechanism for the protection of regional languages or languages of minorities. IUS ET SCIENTIA, 6(1), 89–98.
  • Abstract 161
  • PDF 319