Ethics, law and robotics




Ethics, Law, Robotics


The ethical principles on which the legal precepts to be adopted in the field of robotics should be based, as proposed by Asimov, are always based on the protection of humans against robots. However, the development of robotics must also lead us to consider the ethical principles and legal norms that must constitute the framework for the protection of robots themselves. This is no longer in the realm of science fiction.


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Author Biography

Domingo Fernández Agis, University of La Laguna

Doctor of Philosophy from the University of La Laguna, Doctor of Legal Sciences from the University of Granada, DEA in CC. Policies by UNED. Full Professor in the Department of Philosophy and History of Science, Education and Language, of the ULL. Coordinator of the Research Group of the ULL, Bioethics and Biopolitics.


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How to Cite

Fernández Agis, D. (2020). Ethics, law and robotics. IUS ET SCIENTIA, 6(1), 22–31.
  • Abstract 161
  • PDF (Español (España)) 105