The evolution of historical forms of chinese theater and integration of visual arts


national theater
musical theater
theatrical arts
cultural exchange teatro nacional
teatro musical
artes dramáticas
cambios culturales

How to Cite

LIN, H. (2025). The evolution of historical forms of chinese theater and integration of visual arts. Fedro, Revista De Estética Y Teoría De Las Artes, (24), 92–110.
  • Abstract 67


China's national musical theater emphasizes its uniqueness and close connection with China's cultural and philosophical traditions. This art form, which originated in the 7th to 10th centuries AD and reached its peak during the Yuan Dynasty, reflects centuries-old traditions, making it an important element of Chinese cultural identity. To understand musical theater, one must consider its role in society, where music and rituals were seen as embodiments of Daoist philosophical concepts. The integration of canonical texts such as "Shijing" into the cultural practices of that time underscores the significance of this art form in shaping society and its worldview. The development of theatrical arts in China represents a complex and multifaceted process that has undergone various stages of evolution and transformation. From the early period of the Song Dynasty, when theatrical forms were just beginning to take shape, to the flourishing of zaju drama during the Yuan era, Chinese theater has undergone significant cultural and political changes. Conquests, division of the country, and subsequent reunification under Mongol rule contributed not only to cultural exchange and interaction between northern and southern traditions but also to the emergence of new dramatic forms.


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