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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF format
  • The submission has not been previously published or considered by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the editor).
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographical requirements summarized in the Author's Guidelines below.

Author Guidelines

Rules for the presentation and submission of works


1. The authors must send their articles to the journal through this web page. To do this, they must register and include their information (ORCID, personal data, and brief curriculum). Submissions via email are not accepted.

2. All the writings that are sent for their publication in must be completely unpublished. While they are in the evaluation or editing process, they should not be referred to any other publication. Once they have been published, the authors will be able to use their texts freely, always citing their original publication.

3. The first page must be separate from the rest of the text and must include the title of the work, the full name of the author and the academic affiliation.

4. On the second page, the following information must appear in its original language and in English: title, abstract and keywords separated by semicolons.

5. To facilitate anonymous BLIND PEER REVIEW, the author must also remove all references in the article to other works and articles written by him/her -both in the body and in the notes-, or do so in a way that does not reveal his/her own authorship You should also omit the mention of acknowledgments of your participation in funded projects and other acknowledgments.

6. The final acceptance is subject to the opinion of the Editorial Board.

Presentation format

1. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF format (.doc, .docx, .odt or .rtf)

2. After the headings, the article must be arranged in sequentially numbered epigraphs, as follows: 1. 2. 3., etc. The titles of subsequent subdivisions must follow a numerical order, as follows: 1.1.; 1.2 ; 1.3. It is recommended that the articles have an introduction as the first epigraph and some conclusions as the last.

3. Acknowledgments and bibliographical references will be included at the end of the text.

4. The figures and tables must be incorporated into the text, numbered and indicating their respective legends, in italics at 10 points.

Extension and source

The articles will have a maximum length of 30 DIN A-4 single-spaced pages. The reviews will have a maximum length of 5 DIN A-4 single-spaced pages.

The font will be Times, Times New Roman or Arial, size 12 (10 for notes); When appropriate, typographical quotation marks will be used.


Citations must include a footnote at the end indicating the author, the work (in italics), the city of publication, the publisher, the year and the page. This will also apply to footnotes where a work is referred to.

The citation model for bibliographic references is as follows (most frequent citations):

Printed book
Surname, N. (year). Work title. Editorial.

Online book
Surname, N. and Surname, N. (year). Title of the book. Editorial. DOI or URL

Surname, N. (year). Title, p. DOI or URL

Article in press
Surname, N. (dd/mm/yy). Title. urls

Thesis or monograph
Surname, N. (year). Work title. [Monograph]. DOI or URL

Several volumes in a multivolume work published in different years
Surname, N. (Ed.). (year-year). Title of the work (Vols. 2-4). Editorial.

Authors and classic works
• Quote
(Aristotle, trans. in 1931)
• Reference
Aristotle (1931). Metaphysics (Trad. T. Pinilla). ABC Publisher. (Original work published ca. 1311)

Upon receipt of the originals, Fedro will acknowledge receipt via email and send them to one or more informants. After the evaluation of the articles, and if they are not accepted in their original form, the author will be sent a reasoned notification of the editorial decision that includes the reasons for the revision or rejection of the manuscript, as well as the opinions issued by the experts

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.