Sangallo, Vignola, Palladio and the Roman «Accademia de lo Studio de l’Architettura»




Renaissance antiquarianism, History of archeology, Theory of architecture, History of Architecture, History of the humanities, History of scholarly methodology


The three important Italian Renaissance architects (Sangallo, Vignola and Palladio) are not usually seen as closely related to each other. This article suggests that the theoretical and practical accomplishments by Vignola and Palladio are based on their early studies of ancient Roman architecture in the context of the forgotten Accademia de lo Studio de l’Architettura (active in Rome c. 1530-1555). Their project to amend, edit and translate Vitruvius’s Ten Books on Architecture and to document ancient Roman architecture, as well as all artefacts that are helpful in interpreting and understanding it (e.g., decoration, ornaments, reliefs, sculpture, inscriptions, coins, paintings, tools and machines), survives in a description written by Claudio Tolomei in 1542 and published in 1547. However, this programme is obviously based on an earlier project by Sangallo, formulated in c. 1531 and revised in 1539, respectively. Some of the numerous achievements by the many members of the Accademia are mentioned and put into relation to each other, providing a glimpse of one of the presumably earliest and surely largest of such projects in Europe’s scholarly history of which there still remains evidence. The article, therefore, aims to create more awareness of this Accademia, its project and in$uence and the central role which the study of architecture, its history and theory played in the formation of the humanities. 


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Biografia do Autor

Bernd Kulawik, independent

Studies in physics (1986-1988 at TU Dresden), philosophy and musicology (1990-1196, MA 1997 in musicology), PhD in Art History (2002) at TU Berlin. Project work – mostly in database projects – in Berlin (State Institute for Music Research, Humboldt University), Rome (Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History), Berne (Karman Center of the University), Einsiedeln (Bibliothek Oechslin) and Zurich (Swiss Institute for Art History). Independent developer and advisor for projects in the Digital Humanities.
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Como Citar

Kulawik, B. . (2021). Sangallo, Vignola, Palladio and the Roman «Accademia de lo Studio de l’Architettura». TEMPORÁNEA. Revista De Historia De La Arquitectura, (2).
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