Media enterprises for children and youth from the 20th century to the present day: a diachronic perspective




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Author Biographies

Lucia Ballesteros-Aguayo, Malaga University

Lucia Ballesteros-Aguayo holding a PhD in journalism, after successfully defending her dissertation on the press during the Franco dictatorship in Spain, for which she obtained a summa cum laude, Ballesteros-Aguayo is currently a professor at the University of Málaga, where she is also researching in collaboration with different international bodies, including the National Institute for Documentation, Innovation and Educational Research (INDIRE) in Florence (Italy) and the DigiMedia Research Centre of the University of Aveiro (Portugal). She has completed several research stays abroad and has published a large number of works on the Marketing, Advertising, Disinformation and Media History, such as “Humour in the post-war press: Short stories of Gloria Fuertes in the Falangist magazine Maravillas” in Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, and “Traitors of the Homeland: The stigmatization of reds in Falangist discourse” in Peter Lang.

Pamela Giorgi, INDIRE - Research for the innovation of the Italian school

Senior researcher and journalist. Since 2001 he has been dedicated to the reorganization and communication of various archives of personalities of art and culture of the twentieth century. He has coordinated the Indire Historical Archive since 2008, paying special attention to both the history of Indire itself, heir to the National Educational Exhibition of 1925 (see “From the National School Museum to Indire” Giunti, 2009; and “Radici di future: innovation en the school throughout the 90 years of Indire “, Contini, 2015) and, more broadly, the history of the Italian school system (see, for example,” Racist pencils. School and racial laws “, Bibliography and information, 2013; “Not one excluded. The long road of inclusion in the Italian school”, Apice libri, 2018; “For fun and seriousness. Recreational books and reading books from the Antiquarian Youth Literature Fund Indire”, Indire, 2018; “The stranger Educating about identity between the 19th and 20th centuries “, Tab Edizioni, 2020), which has become one of the main focuses of his research activity. Since 2009, photography has been privileged among all types of documentaries, mainly on the reorganization of the important photographic archive that is preserved in Indire (today fully accessible online with the Indire database ‘Fotoedu. Photographic funds for the history of the school and ‘education’ is enriched with the catalog and the exhibition “The objective at school: images from the Indire photographic archive”, Giunti, 2011). The edited volume “Barbiana and her school: images from the Don Lorenzo Milani Archive”, Aska, 2014, is precisely the result of the study of the Don Lorenzo Milani school photographic archive. Since 2014 she has been a professor of the history of training processes at the IUL University, since 2021 she has been editorial director of the magazine ‘Culturas Digitales’ and professor of the Master’s Degree “Digital Territories”. ICT, social innovation and network heritage communities “of the University of Molise. He is a member of the commission of the Ministry of Education for the history of schools and of the national commission of the Ministers of Education and Culture for the promotion of reading


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How to Cite

Ballesteros-Aguayo, L., & Giorgi, P. (2021). Media enterprises for children and youth from the 20th century to the present day: a diachronic perspective. RIHC. Revista Internacional De Historia De La Comunicación, (17), 7–12.
  • Abstract 206
  • pdf (Español (España)) 85