The young people and the learning of the History in the postwar period: The salesian magazin Mi Colegio (Utrera, 1942-1945)




school newspaper, franquismo, propaganda, Salesians, Utrera, journalism’s history


This article analyzes the trajectory of Mi Colegio, published in the Salesian College of Utrera, between 1942 and 1945, decisive years in the conformation of the Franco ideology and redefinition of the role of Spain in the international order. This case study allows to clarify a model of Salesian magazine that differs from the Jesuit by its journalistic features, its preferred thematic lines and its informative purpose. The content analysis allows to understand if the magazine responds to the Salesian educational model and to clarify the proposal of person of the Salesian center in the framework of the postwar period. Based on an interpretative and integrative approach and based on the published texts, we will access the new model of citizen that seeks to be forged, with a life project in accordance with the national principles of the Movement: patriotism and catholicity. This will allow us to point out the cultural, religious and historical references that shape the educational-civic proposal on which the national reconstruction intends to be based.


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How to Cite

Montoya Rodríguez, M. del C. (2021). The young people and the learning of the History in the postwar period: The salesian magazin Mi Colegio (Utrera, 1942-1945) . RIHC. Revista Internacional De Historia De La Comunicación, (17), 63–85.
Received 2021-09-15
Accepted 2021-12-11
Published 2021-12-30
  • Abstract 276
  • pdf (Español (España)) 298