The levels of representation and the narrator’s profile. The case from Córdoba. Selección de reportajes (1946-1951)
Audiovisual heritage, historical heritage, film archive NO-DO, representation, narratorAbstract
NO-DO was born from the necessity of creating an official newscast during Franco dictatorship. In general, these audiovisual works, considered as expressions of the Spanish historical and audiovisual heritage, are examined in order to analyze phenomenas such as the role of women in the dictatorship or the propaganda’s tools used. Nevertheless, this study focuses on the textual dimension of the NO-DO, analyzing the typologies of the narrator, the point of view and the regimes of representation present in the compilation “Córdoba. Selection of reports” (1946-1951), produced by Radio Televisión Española (1976). This purpose tries to discover new structural features of NO-DO. The results of this research provide new notions about the narrative and discursive particularities of the tapes, starring in the absence of changes over three years.
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Accepted 2021-11-16
Published 2021-12-30
- Abstract 270
- pdf (Español (España)) 210