Field film theories and cultural studies: an intrinsic link
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estudios culturales
teorías de campo
teoría del cine cultural studies
field theories
film theory

How to Cite

López Delacruz, S. (2024). Field film theories and cultural studies: an intrinsic link. COMMUNICATION. International Journal of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Cultural Studies, 22(2), 47–61.
Received 2023-12-30
Accepted 2024-07-12
Published 2024-12-20
  • Abstract 1
  • PDF (Español (España)) 1


The work aims to investigate, in the field of communication research, the constitutive characteristics of field cinematographic theories, classified as a new study paradigm by Francesco Casetti, from the founding contribution made by cultural studies. Emerging and consolidated in the last quarter of the 20th century, field theories ask about the multiple cultural and ideological problems that arise in society and are discursively inserted in cinema, while reflecting on the processes of representation, inequality and power that cinematographic discourses possess. Through its three essential features, which imply changes in the relationship between observer and observed object, the formulation of appropriate questions and attention to specific texts, we will recognize the influence of cultural studies in the formation of the paradigm of field theories. based on the interpretive position of the viewer, cinematographic analysis with sociocultural purposes and the critical-reflexive look at cinema and its condition as a mass and hegemonic communication media.
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