Background. The audiovisual scene has suffered in recent years, an unprecedented mutation because of the universalization of the Internet and an increasing access to broadband, among other factors. Websites based on visual elements and platforms like YouTube, Vimeo and Google Video have changed the way in which audiovisual productionsare distributed, but also how they are created and, of course, the way you watched. Amateur productions compete with professional ones, in every fields, generating a very complex visual map: its is chaotic and difficult to classify. Object of study. Online advertising has not been immune to this context, integrating audiovisual productions in campaigns for the Internet, which are very different from the strategic point of view, in form and content, to traditional advertising productions for television. Aim. The aimof this research is to produce a valid taxonomy for classifying audiovisual advertising on the Internet. Methodology. Based on traditional concepts (creations, production, distribution, exhibition, performance) and developed in response to the specificities of new media (Lister et al, 2009), we created a preliminary taxonomy that has been tested by classifying audiovisual pieces of 80 winning campaigns in 2011 in the section Cyber of the International Festival Cannes Lions.
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Copyright (c) 2012 Marta Martín Núñez, José Martínez Sáez