"As far south as south goes": Amazonian iconography, female alterity and ethnicity in Game of Thrones
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iconografía amazónica
Juego de Tronos
alteridad amazonian iconography
Game of Thrones

How to Cite

García García, L. (2022). "As far south as south goes": Amazonian iconography, female alterity and ethnicity in Game of Thrones . COMMUNICATION. International Journal of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Cultural Studies, 1(16), 101–117. https://doi.org/10.12795/comunicacion.2018.v01i16.06
  • Abstract 245
  • PDF (Español (España)) 40


If the classical cosmology found in the myth of the Amazons a suitable symbolical figure to refer to the otherness both sexual (as women warriors away from the patriarchal feminine ideal) as ethnical (their foreign condition demarcated them from the Greek model), in contemporary culture the re-readings of the myth seem to transit that same way. In this article we analyze the case of the television series "Game of Thrones" where the presence of amazonian iconography in the representation of the characters known as the Sand Snakes operates, along with other common places of difference such as Orientalism or the Myth of Carmen, as a tool of enhancement of its ethnic-sexual otherness with respect to the central subject of discourse: the white male.

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