The tyranny of the narrator in the audio-visual account of reality. A narratological approach to TV newscast
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informativo Narrative
tv news program

How to Cite

Ruitiña, C. . (2022). The tyranny of the narrator in the audio-visual account of reality. A narratological approach to TV newscast. COMMUNICATION. International Journal of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Cultural Studies, 1(10), 1580–1586.
  • Abstract 45
  • PDF (Español (España)) 11


Betting for an approach clearly narratological, the present communication explores the nature of a type of text in which the paper of the narratee turns out to be decisive. In the analyzed speech it is the narratee who demands the author. And not upside-down, since it happens more commonly in the different areas of the fiction. In the communication it is estimated up to what point the narrow entail with the reality of the type of analyzed speech, characteristic of the journalism, determines the narrative used resources.
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Copyright (c) 2012 Cristóbal Ruitiña


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