Inferiority and superiority complexes: a comparative study of the representation of the immigrant character in Fawlty Towers and Aída, between xenophobia and parody
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Serie de televisión
Fawlty Towers
Cultural Studies
Estudios postcoloniales
personaje extranjero
representación Television
TV Series
Fawlty Towers
Cultural Studies
Postcolonial Studies
foreign character

How to Cite

González de Garay, B., & Alfeo, J. C. (2022). Inferiority and superiority complexes: a comparative study of the representation of the immigrant character in Fawlty Towers and Aída, between xenophobia and parody. COMMUNICATION. International Journal of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Cultural Studies, 1(10), 929–942.
  • Abstract 267
  • PDF (Español (España)) 152


The characters of Manuel (Andrew Sachs) in Fawlty Towers (BBC: 1975- 79) and Machupichu (Óscar Reyes) in Aída (Telecinco: 2005-) are significant examples of the representation of the immigrant on television and they lead us to reflexions about the world geopolitical order, the role of Spain in it and its evolution from the seventies to the present. The analogies between the clumsy Spanish immigrant subjugated by his boss in an English hotel in the mid 1970’s and the current South American immigrant exploited by his recalcitrant slave driver employer in a decaying neighbourhood of Madrid seem pretty obvious and show the shift in role of Spaniards since Franco’s death, the subsequent policy of openness and the differences in the approaches in relation to the geographical and historical context. These shows have been accused of being both xenophobic representations and a satirical mockery of xenophobia, opening the visual text to an ambivalent reading especially interesting for the field of Reception Theory.
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Copyright (c) 2012 Beatriz González de Garay, Juan Carlos Alfeo


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