New storylines in Hollywood films: evil as an element of persuasion
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ética films

How to Cite

Vela Valldecabres, D. . (2022). New storylines in Hollywood films: evil as an element of persuasion. COMMUNICATION. International Journal of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Cultural Studies, 1(10), 848–854.
  • Abstract 69
  • PDF (Español (España)) 39


Seduction through evil on the screens has been lately a common resource, due to several reasons:

1.- Firstly, new models of characters and scripts are being tested in order to avoid the tiredness that results from repeating the same topics. The antagonistic character becomes responsible for the attention the public.

2.- Secondly, this new tendency owes a great deal to the mimesis of current society, because films reflect the historical moment when they are produced.

3.- Last, films reveal that the human being is corrupted by a society that puts pressure on the individual through greed, art, or money.
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Copyright (c) 2012 Daniel Vela Valldecabres


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