Musical Meanings in ‘Breaking Bad’: Sound and Visual Didactic Approach
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Breaking Bad
cápsula musical
música y audiovisual
narrativa audiovisual
serie de televisión Breaking Bad
music capsule
music and audiovisual
audiovisual narrative
TV series

How to Cite

Montoya-Rubio, J. C. (2022). Musical Meanings in ‘Breaking Bad’: Sound and Visual Didactic Approach. COMMUNICATION. International Journal of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Cultural Studies, 20(2), 45–61.
Received 2022-07-25
Accepted 2022-10-06
Published 2022-12-31
  • Abstract 196
  • PDF (Español (España)) 309


Breaking Bad (Gilligan, 2008-2013) was a great success in the field of television series, which is why it has generated many studies around its characters and plots, as well as implications for the study from various disciplines. Despite having configured a remarkable literature on the matter, the musical element appears less profusely treated that the visual one. This article considers how to learn to decipher clues about audio-visual narration by focusing on the sound part. To achieve this, an analysis is carried out around the musical capsules, scenes that have autonomy from the sound and visual integration, in order to discuss and understand the interiorities of the narrative discourse. It is concluded that, musically, aspects coming enhanced, as expected, but also the soundtrack develops a fundamental role, both in the narration itself and in the configuration of the plot.
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