The situation comedy is one of the most popular genres in television history. With the beginning of the 21st century, new creative sitcoms coming from USA and United Kingdom have revitalized the genre with influences coming from reality shows and the documentary style. However, few of these international tendencies are arriving in European countries such as Spain. This paper will systematize the production of Spanish TV comedies between 2000 and 2010 in order to find out which international formats are most popular (sitcoms, dramedies and sketches) and which of the main characteristics in terms of narrative, production and humour are. We will pay special attention to the sitcom format studying the case of some of the more successful situation comedies in the Spanish market such us Siete Vidas (TV 5, 1999) and its spinoff Aída (TV 5, 2004) together with others that represent the Spanish contribution to the 21st century new comedy style as Camera Café (TV 5, 2005), Muchachada Nui (La 2, 2007) o Qué vida más triste (La Sexta. 2008), the first online sketch program that has been adapted into television coming from the Internet..
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Copyright (c) 2011 Patricia Diego, María del Mar Grandío