The banalisation of the nation: the ad ‘Let’s Live Like Galicians’ for the GADIS supermarket chain
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publicidad nacionalism

How to Cite

Screti, F. . (2022). The banalisation of the nation: the ad ‘Let’s Live Like Galicians’ for the GADIS supermarket chain. COMMUNICATION. International Journal of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Cultural Studies, 1(9), 222–237.
  • Abstract 131
  • PDF (Español (España)) 64


In this paper I will analyze some features of the advertising video vivamos como galegos (Lets live as Galicians) by BAPConde for the Galician supermarket chain called GADIS. This corporative advertising, broadcasted during 2008 in Galicia, had an amazing success. Through (verbal and visual) description, narration and representation of the stereotypical elements of Galician life and culture, the addresser builds discursively a Galician identity supposedly shared by the group members (addresser and addressees). Thus, this appellation to the common Galician identity is the principal feature of a persuasion based on emotivity. This emotivity derives from the fact of seeing mediated in TV the –supposedly– typical and folkloric characters of Galicians. The video essentially exploits the politico-ideological local nationalist instances, as a fundamental pre-discourse for its persuasive aims. However it banalizes these nationalist instances in at least three ways: it simplifies the discourse on the identity; it spreads it “banally” (in the sense of Billig 1995 and 1998); and it exploits it to achieve some commercial ends.
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