Originality and plagiarism
Comunicación. Revista Internacional de Comunicación Audiovisual, Publicidad y Estudios Culturales (Communication. International Journal of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Cultural Studies) verifies the originality of all papers received. In this sense, authors who wish their proposals to be considered for publication in the journal accept that they will be reviewed in order to avoid plagiarism in all its forms. Turnitin, as an anti-plagiarism tool, is used for this review process. All articles in which plagiarism or self-plagiarism is detected will be immediately rejected.
Plagiarism in any form is considered as fraudulent and unethical activities. Therefore, authors must ensure that the data and results presented in their work are original and have not been copied, invented, distorted or manipulated.
The originality of papers submitted to this journal is a sine qua non condition. Likewise, authors shall not submit papers to Comunicación. Revista Internacional de Comunicación Audiovisual, Publicidad y Estudios Culturales (Communication. International Journal of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Cultural Studies) that are under consideration for publication in another journal.