The Perreo Revolution: Bad Bunny and the Subversion of Gender Roles in the Music Video "Yo Perreo Sola" (YHLQMDLG, 2020).
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estudios LGBTIQ
Bad Bunny LGBTIQ studies
Bad Bunny

How to Cite

Martínez-González, J., & García-Ramos, F.-J. (2024). The Perreo Revolution: Bad Bunny and the Subversion of Gender Roles in the Music Video "Yo Perreo Sola" (YHLQMDLG, 2020). COMMUNICATION. International Journal of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Cultural Studies, 22(1), 136–154.
Received 2024-01-29
Accepted 2024-04-29
Published 2024-06-28
  • Abstract 30
  • PDF (Español (España)) 46


The positioning of reggaeton as one of the most important genres in the mainstream music scene has led to the inclusion of unthinkable themes for a style of music that in its origins was characterised by reinforcing male stereotypes through machismo, hypersexualisation and virility while women were relegated to objectification and subjugation. Considering Bad Bunny as a driver of this change, the aim is to question how he disarticulates hegemonic male values and gender homophobia in the music video "Yo perreo sola" (2020). The aim is to analyse whether it presents a subversion of heteronormativity and whether it contributes to a more fluid view of masculinity and femininity. From a perspective based on queer theory and LGBTIQ+ studies, a critical analysis of the discourse of the song and the audiovisual text of its video clip will be carried out. Although contradictory elements were found in the object of analysis, it is concluded that the song encourages women to appropriate those spaces in which they have been censored, empowering the use of their autonomy on the dance floor through perreo, being valuable the artist's intention to address issues made invisible in this genre, opening the door to a possible reggaeton revolution.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Johan Martínez-González, Francisco-José García-Ramos


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