La Critical School of Public Relations
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Relaciones Públicas
Escuela Crítica
Teoría de los cuatro modelos Public Relations
Critical School
four models theory

How to Cite

Manrique Reyes, J. (2023). La Critical School of Public Relations: a fracture inside the discipline. COMMUNICATION. International Journal of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Cultural Studies, 21(1), 58–73.
Received 2023-04-10
Accepted 2023-05-24
Published 2023-06-30
  • Abstract 273
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The Critical School of public relations was born on the last decade of the 20th. Its formation has been guided by its desire to study the discipline from a broader theoretical framework than the one proposed by Grunig, taking a socio-cultural approach to the phenomenon. However, his impact on the specialised literature on public relations has been limited and it remains on the fringes of the reference books. Given the wide variety of contributions made by the Critical School, which are often scattered, this article reviews those that best demonstrate the fracture that the emergence of this school represents for the dominant theoretical paradigm of public relations. Special emphasis is placed on the historiographical question and the critique of the four models, on the inclusion of the concept of "power" in the study of public relations and on the school's rejection of the discipline’s "modern" focus. It concludes with a short digression on the future of the discipline after the pillars that sustained it have been called into question.
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