Creativity and Design Thinking in the Final Project of an Audiovisual Communication Degree
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Design Thinking
TFG entrepreneurship
Design Thinking
Final Degree Project

How to Cite

Flores Puga, B., Zuberogoitia Espilla, A. ., Belategi Unzueta, O. ., & Egaña Osa, T. . (2022). Creativity and Design Thinking in the Final Project of an Audiovisual Communication Degree . COMMUNICATION. International Journal of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Cultural Studies, 1(16), 1–18.
  • Abstract 150
  • PDF (Español (España)) 86


Many authors recommend embedding entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity into Media Studies curricula. This article describes how one of these three dimensions (i.e., creativity) has been developed through Design Thinking in the Final Project of a Communication Degree, based on the testimonies of the tutors (both academic tutors and those of external companies and entities) and on the perceptions of the students themselves. The reinforcement of the multidisciplinary approach of the projects and the promotion of student motivation seem to be the most immediate challenges.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Beñat Flores Puga, Aitor Zuberogoitia Espilla, Onintza Belategi Unzueta, Txema Egaña Osa


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