The lost DeLorean: confusing uses of the post-classical flashback (and other time travels)


flash-sideway narrative

How to Cite

García Catalán , S. (2022). The lost DeLorean: confusing uses of the post-classical flashback (and other time travels). COMMUNICATION. International Journal of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Cultural Studies, 1(10), 1103–1115.
  • Abstract 58


Back to the Future tells the adventures of a teenager and a scientist who creates a machine installed in a DeLorean to travel back in time. But the frequent jumps do not affect the linear narrative: the story settles in the present. The time travel distills the conventional use that the classical cinema has made of the flashback: a controlled stop that allows to clear up the story. In contrast, we observed in many post-classical fictions that the temporary jumps do not appear both to explain the story but to confuse. We continue this hypothesis analyzing Lost and The Skin I Live In.


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Copyright (c) 2012 Shaila García Catalán


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