The intercultural mediatisation of the social space in daily TV newscasts
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espacio social
visibilidad Mediatization
TV news programs
social space

How to Cite

Paz Alencar, A. (2022). The intercultural mediatisation of the social space in daily TV newscasts. COMMUNICATION. International Journal of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Cultural Studies, 1(10), 1017–1031.
  • Abstract 53
  • PDF (Español (España)) 17


The current work approaches the problematic of the visibility produced by Brazilian and Spanish TV News Programs through the selection and production of the same news contents which represent the public space of both countries. Thus, for the development of this research we have entailed a comparative analysis on the sociogeographical tendencies in the mediatization of the social space registered in the contextual reality of a State, in the case of Spain, inserted in the European Union and in the case of Brazil, belonging to the emergent core of South American countries.
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