Itineraries of the empty word. Concerning the TV productions of Michael Haneke
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Ausencia de catarsis
efecto de distanciamiento
relatos fragmentarios
lo siniestro
banalidad del mal
metáfora del poder Absence of catharsis
alienation effect
fragmented stories
banality of evil
metaphor of power

How to Cite

Ferrando García, P. . (2022). Itineraries of the empty word. Concerning the TV productions of Michael Haneke. COMMUNICATION. International Journal of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Cultural Studies, 1(10), .958–974.
  • Abstract 47
  • PDF (Español (España)) 23


The study tries to reflect the Hanekian corpus’ coherence through his television work as it lays the foundations of his film discourse in later years. That way we will disclose the evolution Michael Haneke already initiated from his first radical proposal Und was kommt dannach/After Liverpool (¿Y qué viene después?, 1974), through the modern literary adaptation of Ingeborg Bachman’s Drei Wege zum See (Tres senderos hacia el lago, 1976), up to his latest productions: the pessimistic perspective on Joseph Roth’s novel in Die rebellion (Los europeos/La rebelión, 1993) and the rough reading of Kafka’s Das Schloss (El castillo, 1997).
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Copyright (c) 2012 Pablo Ferrando García


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